Ron and Sandy Schultz Christmas 2011 A.D. |
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As we recall Jesus' first advent as a baby [Luke 2] we see more and more signs of His second coming as Lord of all, including a tsunami in Japan, earthquakes everywhere, 3 wars around the world, financial chaos, support for Israel waning, and false prophets. As some ask "Are you ready for Christmas?" we ask "Are you ready for Christ's return?" Are you trusting in Christ's finished work of redemption? |
Schultz News for 2011: Paul is still working condo law at AZDF. Paul had LASEK eye surgery in June at UofM. No longer needs to wear glasses. He studied Spanish to be able to communicate in Spain when he went for World Youth Day with the Pope. Then found he should have studied French because he spent the first week with some pretty French girls and guys, too. Paul stays very busy at St. Thomas in Ann Arbor – cantors at Mass, organizes an occasional chant choir, helps lead the GenChrist young adult outreach, even on the parish council. Rooting for Harvard b'ball which is having its best year ever! Go Crimson! Mark spent the first two months of '11 being a tanker truck driver; got to spend 24hrs parked in his truck during the Chicago blizzard last January. Since June he's been contracted by Hewlett Packard to do accounting for EDS. He won the chili cook-off at work with his mum's recipe that did not win at Guardian two years earlier! He is singing with the Detroit Lutheran Singers and soloed at Historic Trinity and Guardian. Golfed whenever he could with the Guardian league or Uncle John. He continues to be a great help to his parents doing the heavy work around the house. John William is still programming for the U of M medical school; thinks about writing an app, his dog Hektor keeps growing [40+lb] but still has enthusiasm of a pup. In old news ... John traveled with two other friends to Washington DC in 10/10 to attend the Jon Stewart Rally to Restore Sanity – much to his mother's chagrin. This year he returned to DC with Elizabeth's family for a wedding. In October, John ran the full Detroit Free Press Marathon with Chris Hammer, not realizing he had a stress fracture in his foot!!!. Dec. 6th he proposed marriage to Elizabeth and she said, "YES!" Joy kept busy this year. She works as a legal secretary at AZDF. She talked her mother into attending something called Climacus in Louisville, Ky. Think conservative speakers. Joy traveled all over the Midwest, especially Hillsdale, visiting friends. In August, she and friend Hannah attended the Dublin Irish Festival near Columbus, OH. Also in August, Joy surprised us by moving from the family home. Tatters, the cat, lets Joy and Kate share her Ann Arbor apartment. Joy is still singing with the U of M Choral Union. She visits places like the Detroit Film Theatre and Traffic Jam & Snug with friends Kristin, Anna and others. Sandy is again coaching the Guardian Bible Quiz team. She reads a lot. Drives a lot, too. The 4 children took Mom and Dad to The Whitney for their 30th anniversary, June 13. Ron had been dealing with a lot of foot pain that led to an operation on a hammertoe and ingrown toenails. He had weeks of therapy after the operation. He bought himself a metal detector but has yet to learn how to use it. Having fixed one at the Guardian parsonage and one at Ron Bales' house, Ron is getting a reputation as garage door opener troubleshooter. Ron added a handrail to living room stairs and made other small improvements in the house. As his kids have given him all kinds of saw equipment over the years, he used them this year to make wooden tulips because he just could not wait for spring. Ron and Sandy now attend a monthly Parkinson's disease support group, learning things about how to cope with PD over the long run. At the end of June, Joy, Mark, Ron and Sandy attended the Schultz reunion in Hubbard Lake, MI. Sandy, Paul, Mark, John, Elizabeth and Hektor went to S. Ill for Labor Day weekend. Orio church and St. Francisville fire department each have fundraising "chowders" then. Good eating, good homemade pies and sometimes you even run into old friends! Last Christmas Sandy told her kids that next November they would go to the Mustache Hunting Club and hunt deer. Nov.19th they rolled into the Mustache at 6am. They learned all about sitting in shanties but found out if the deer don't come by – you ain't gonna get one. Mark shot a big 5 pt buck from the Slab Shanty. Joy tagged a two pointer. Aunt Karen graciously let them all sleep in her farmhouse. Uncle Bill fed them real well at camp. Paul and Mark took hunters safety course tho Mark had previous gun experience in ROTC at MI Tech. [Ron stopped hunting when he learned he may only bring venison home in little white packages!] Opening day, Mr. Alexander [the A in AZDF] took Paul and Joy hunting near Harrison, MI. A buck with a magnificent rack teased them in the opening hours but in the next day they saw no more deer at all. Hearing John V's tale of using goldfish to eat mosquito larvae in his backyard last year, Ron had Mark buy a few goldfish this spring. Mark then threw them over the fence into the neighbor's 20'x 40'x15' stagnant swimming pool to eat the mosquito larvae. It worked too: we had fewer mosquitoes this summer. In September the neighbor drained the pool and filled it with dirt. As the pool was drained, Ron salvaged a few of the thousands of fish that had grown over the summer. So Mark made a fishpond in our yard. Ron enjoyed watching those fish race in that 16' long pond. Fish stayed outside till it got cool; the few left are wintering in the basement. Sandy's mom, Jennie Vandermark, lives in the Lawrence Community Healthcare Center. We visited her while down south for the Amy Crutchfield/Allen McCavour wedding Oct. 29th. Sending her a card or letter would be nice; Jennie's address is 900 Corporation Line St., Bridgeport, IL 62417. Sandy's sis Donna had both hips replaced this spring. She gets around a little better now. Donna got to see the Grand Canyon for the first time this year as she and Rick made their way home from California. In October she threw a surprise 70th birthday party for Rick at Three Cedars Farm. He was A cappella choir director at Dondero from Fall ‘67 till it closed in 2006. Donna invited many of his former choir members so there was much reminiscing about old times and a fun sing-a-long out by the campfire. Donna's daughter Carole gave birth to Owen in February 21, 2011. Olivia loves her little brother. Sandy's bro John continues to make improvements on sis Cindy's house. He works on Jude's house some, too. And you would be surprised by how many people know John's colorful house in RO. Cindy's still clerking for Royal Oak and Judes is still doing medical transcription in her home office. Old news – John, Judy and Cindy made a trip out to the Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion in Sept, 2010. Ron's bro Bill in July flew to Seattle and there boarded a Chuck Swindall cruise to Alaska. He also made multiple trips to Billy Graham's Cove in NC. Stopped in Gatlinburg, TN on the way home from one of those trips and enjoyed the Gaithers's performance there. He drives less and flies more. He loves company in TC. Unemployment hits every family so it was nice that Ron's niece Chris' husband Jim Gold and nephew Joe Swafford III were back to steady work this last year. Jimmy Swafford looks distinguished with a neat beard and hairdo that complements beard. Nephew Michael Swafford bought a couple houses to fix up and rent. Before summer he had raised his garage at least 2' so his monster truck could go in. Karen's grandson Joey and wife Alyssa want to move out to the country or at least north Macomb County. As we get ever closer to the coming again of Jesus, may you be "anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God and the peace of God ...shall keep your hearts and minds thru Christ Jesus." |
![]() | Merry Christmas, Ron, Sandy, Paul, Mark, John, and Joy Schultz |