Schultz Family Christmas Letter 2006

Written by Ron Schultz

Ron Schultz                             Detroit, MI 48219                               Christ mass 2006


This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.                     I John 4:10 NIV Bible

Yes, God's love manifested in God's Great Gift is what Christmas is all about. -That Gift received by faith, by trusting Jesus and by living in that trust by letting Him live thru us with Spirit-directed lives..."while we wait for the blessed hope – the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.”             Titus 2:13,14 NIV

We thank God for what a good year 2006 has been for us. We hope that yours has been as blessed. 2006 included:

Sandy and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary with family at the Grand Hotel, Mackinaw Island; then Sandy and I went for a private weekend at Port Huron where we went in the lighthouse and toured Edison museums.

In May, Ron and Mark went to DWSD retirement party at the Roostertail for a year of retirees including Ron; Ron received a nice mantle clock -- a modern electronic version of the wind-it-once-a-week mechanical clock with the rotating pendulum that Bulova made famous (you knew it was still running because the pendulum was swinging around) this one still has a rotating pendulum -- powered by a separate battery from the clock element, so I guess the pendulum moving tells you that the pendulum battery is not dead!

63 yr old Ron says "I'm retired -- not ‘We're retired’" "I've put in 40 years in the workaday world and I'm retirement age: the rest of the R. Schultz family is not!"

Ron got a GPS navigational system for his car; it is a Lowrance iWAY 500C which has internal antenna and plugs into the lighter. It bothers Sandy when he takes it along on a trip in the Yukon with her! (she don't need another woman's voice -- or even Ron -- telling her where to go). Ron installed a Rain Drip flower watering system at 16518 with a timer; now (during the outside growing season) before he gets out of bed he says "I watered your flowers this morning dear".

In 2006, Ron replaced sensor lights, refrigerator, garage door chain, freezer, shrubs but not kitchen floor or carpet yet. Also he fixed drive, painted, adding handrails, replaced shrubs. While we have no plans to move from Detroit, Ron has been working for 19 years to have the house ready to sell!

In June a neurologist said Ron has Parkinson's disease. In 25 years of marriage Ron's weight went from 163 to 185, until put on a diabetic diet June 6; now he's 165.

While Sandy visited her Mom and sis (on the Vandermark family homestead in southern Illinois) the 4 kids had a work bee at the Warwick house and refinished the kitchen cabinets under the drain board as a surprise anniversary present to her.

Sandy sings in choir and is active [as a mentoring mom] in MOPS at Guardian Lutheran Church (GLC) as is Ron[an infant caregiver]; she also is GLS Bible Quiz team coach; in spring they had 2-3 record; in the fall 1-1 so far.

Paul, Mark, Uncle John and -- in separate trip -- Ron, went to southern Illinois to cut up The Old Oak; Ron actually cut on it while boys cut other oaks etc -- but if you want to go down and cut, there's still plenty of downed trees to cut up -- after a "straight-line windstorm" blew thru the Vandermark homestead last year. And for Labor Day weekend the burn [warning: 58 meg .avi file] was more important to Paul and Mark than the chowders.

In July, Ron, Sandy, and Joy attended the Kauer (Ron's mother's mother's kin) Family reunion held in Hubbard Lake, MI even tho reunion kingpin Pearl went to glory last year.

All of us (Bill, 6 RRS family, 2 girlfriends) recovered from a spirited -- beyond our class – canoe trip on the Betsie River (southwest of Traverse City, MI) tho a few shoes and my hat were lost. Sandy thought it would make for a memorable celebration of Ron’s brother Bill's birthday. My! what a mess of rocks and logs!

Bill formalized Ron's naming of Bill's hilltop home site the Eagles Nest by placing signs and a big pottery eagle on a nest as you ramp up to the house. (perhaps he will need to add a 'deer crossing' sign just uphill of the pottery eagle). At the Mustache Hunting Club, November 16, he shot a 7-pt buck (said to be Dad's 50th).

Bill and Ron went to LLL RKD men's retreat; Bill doesn't find it as plush as the Grand Hotel that he gets to each month its open but "much improved" from years ago. Ron combined the trip with delivery of used Guardian Lutheran Church choir gowns to Trinity, Traverse City. Altho he had beautiful traveling weather, light traffic and little road construction to deal with, and had a new navigational system to guide him, Ron found the trip work to drive, rather than fun!

Bill officiated at July 18th funeral of Ron's godmother (one of 3; he still has 2 living) Augusta Victoria Ruby. Also, in January, 2006 William Rittaler went to glory.

Son Paul (age 24) is a 3rd year student at Ave Maria School of Law. He’s glad that Rae is nearby, now a student at U of M Law School. He was a law research clerk at the firm of Stark Reagan P.C. [and currently works 2 days/wk for them] and profs during summer. He hopes to graduate in May and pass bar in July. Then he would be available for paid legal work, particularly in the fields of wills, trusts, estates and taxes, and hopes to clerk for a federal or state judge.

Mark (23) rooms at home, golfs, ushers, sings in GLC choir, took summer classes, hopes to graduate in May with an accounting degree from UM-Dearborn, continues to get new laptops as they break under Best Buy warranty. He is now working out and dieting to get his weight down to 200. Ron gave Mark the title ‘Protector of the Faithful’ after he rescued the 25th anniversary couple pinned by overturned canoe.

John (21) plans to graduate this month with a dual major: classics and computer science. He's driving U of M bus again after working for prof on graphical programming for summer; part of this included trip to Boston for siggraph symposium - where he showed prof etc John Harvard's watering hole there. He's in a different apartment than last year, but with same apt. mate, Mike.

Joy (19) is learning the bag-pipe, sings in the choir, is active in highland dance, crafted pop tab purses and belts, worked in college weight room at Hillsdale College where she holds junior status in her 2nd year and declared an English major. During the summer, Joy sang a duet with Sandy at GLC; in the fall, she traveled to Marquette, Tahquamenon Falls, etc in the U.P. with Sandy and Joy's school chum, BJ.

      May the year of our Lord 2007 hold special blessings for you and yours -- and remember Jesus is coming again -- perhaps in 2007!

Sincerely, Ron, Sandy, Paul, Mark, John, and Joy Schultz

Picture (L to R): Sandy, Paul, Ron, Mark Joy, John

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