Schultz Family Christmas Letter 2004

Written by Ron Schultz

Ron and Sandy Schultz                                                        Christmas 2004 A.D.


Suppose there were no brightly decorated trees; there would still be a Christmas. Suppose there were no parties nor high calorie desserts; there would still be a Christmas. Suppose there were no bustle to buy presents, and red and green towels and napkins and ...; there still would be Christmas.
But suppose there had been no Christ child in a manger in Bethlehem: Then there would be no Christmas, no holiday season, no carols singing out "Joy to the world."

Christ made the difference. Christmas began with Him.
John 3:16 in the Bible says "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life." This is the only reason for Christmas! Is it yours? (adapted)

We in the Ron Schultz household (spread as it is from Detroit to Ann Arbor) are thankful for that Savior Jesus and for His safekeeping and blessings in the year of our Lord 2004.

Paul did graduate from Harvard thru an umbrella event in Harvard Yard and now is on a full tuition scholarship at Ave Maria School of Law, after working the summer at Miller Canfield Law firm in Troy, MI. He shares a house with other 1L's (that's code for 1st year law students) and a high school teacher. He still typically gets home for a few hours fortnightly +/- and gets out to east coast to see Rae.

Mark is at U of M Dearborn, leaving OSU after 2 quarters. He is still studying business. He also worked as seasonal commission salesman at Sears-Fairlane (or is that K-Mart?). He's living at home except when he can do something with his Ann Arbor brothers. When he's out he leaves his room door open in hope that the cleaning lady will take care of it.

John W has been picking up quite a few good looking girls lately; yea, he's driving a bus for U of M -- has his CDL! while maintaining 3.5 GPA tuition scholarship toward a BA in Latin/Computer Science [May 2006]. He has an apartment in a house near campus.

Joy in her senior year at Lutheran High School, Westland, is making applications to various colleges, but receiving mailings from countless more, entered VFW VOD speech contest, had a part in play Boys and Ghouls at Lutheran HS Westland. Brother John gave her an ocarina [potato shaped flute] for her birthday; Now she is practicing to be ready when some composer produces a number for ocarina and orchestra

Ron, trying new hearing aids, is retiring from Detroit Water 3/14/04, (Last day of work Jan 10 or 12) driving a red Buick, planning to fix up house when he retires (he hasn't got it fixed to sell in 17 years). Perhaps Sandy (who now drives Pewter Yukon) will get a truck-driving job once Ron is home (in the way) all day.

Having 7 vehicles doesn't seem to get us all together that much: perhaps we can get together for a meal (usually out) once a month. Ron said "Isn't it great to have the boys home [for Christmas] so they can play Halo in the basement!" During school and vacation, family schedules rarely are in sync!-but Ron can count on an evening phone call or 2 when he naps, oft due to sons’ resyncing via cell phones.

Ron's bro Bill passed Pewter Yukon to us so that he in White Escalade and we in Yukon after seeing Paul graduate could haul most of Paul's stuff back together with the 6 of us, Bill, and Sandy's Mom! Bill keeps busy with travel to fetes and with his house on old Mission Peninsula, Traverse City, bought in September 2003. He sold the Troy house last spring. So after owning 3 for a short while, he's back to one. He had a bloodless hunt at the Mustache again this year. We 6 got to his place 12/25 for desserts after dinner and "Big Unwrap" at Jim and Christine Gold's. (Until 2004, the Big Unwrap was at Bill's; Thanksgiving was again at Warwick Blvd) We returned to Detroit Monday so Paul could fly from there to NJ to haul Rae's stuff to DC where he will research at Library of Congress, and interview with a law firm for possible summer '05 employment, before 1/7/05 flight to Detroit.

Sister Karen's goldmine in field stone sales hasn't brought her a dollar yet. She is pushing on in the digital camera/computer realm, as is most everyone else in the family except Ron; - though he has resolved to be operating on LINUX by this time next year.

Nephew Mike's Construction is continuing to perform well and have increasing business.

Sandy's sisters Cindy and Donna each bought a house. Cindy, Judy and friend Doris Foley went to Hawaii to see MSU football near-win. John G worked at Oakland County golf course this summer; the pay included free golf. Now he's working on Cindy's house. Donna's daughter Carole is a freshman at Olivet College.

Ron’s Great cousin Pearl went into a home, Uncle Wilmur Ruby has also been in assisted living now. Ron's Godmother [one of 3!] and Aunt Vicky keeps breaking legs and going back to the hospital, even tho Ron told her after first one not to do that anymore. She's -- as of this writing – in Fraser Villa, 33300 Utica Road, Fraser, MI 48026 as is Wilmur.

      As we look forward to the Savior's second advent may the year of our Lord 2005 be for you and yours a year of great good, grateful faith, and grand hope.

Sincerely, Ron, Sandy, Paul, Mark, John, and Joy Schultz

Picture: Ron, Sandy, John, Paul, Mark, Joy, Bill, Mom V.

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