Schultz Family Christmas Letter 2003

Written by Ron Schultz

Ron and Sandy Schultz                                                        Christmas 2003 A.D.


Good News!! More important than the things of the Schultz family in 2003 are the events 2003 years before when God sent his son born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem them who were under the law - you and me! Jesus came into the world to save sinners 1Tim 1:15. God's son spent 9 months as a person within a woman to be born in the fullness of time to fulfill the law (as God before and after that, He was beyond the law: but) at Christmas the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And God promises that "to as many as believe on His [Jesus'] name, He gave power to become the sons of God" John 1:12 That's GOOD NEWS!

2003 saw a war in Iraq, and has seen major changes in the Schultz family: *Mark switching colleges from MTU to Ohio State! *Paul becoming a latin Mass Roman Catholic. *A car accident in June slowing Sandy down; now she doesn't think she'll be up to going to Spain and Portugal and France with daughter Joy's Spanish class next June.

Son Paul, in his senior year at Harvard, chauffeured Equal Rights Amendment killer Phillis Shlafly to Harvard Right to Life and beyond. Paul continues to be among the 'salt of the campus': he works for the conservative Harvard Salient Newspaper, and brings in speakers like Joseph Pearce, who introduced a hundred Harvard students to the underlying Christian themes in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Now 21, Paul hosts conservative philosophical discussions in his suite, which the campus newspaper described as "more like a professor's than a student's." Paul also made websites for cousin's Mike's Construction and for his uncle Bill's For Sale by Owner house.

Sophomore Mark transferred from Michigan Tech to Ohio State University; he sings in the chorus there. His Aunt Cindy and friends visited him while there to see MSU beat OSU (OSU won) on the banks of the Olentangy. Mark started at Radio Shack in June, and added Hollywood Video work hours later in June, but quit HV by July, as he and his mom were too busy to use the benefits. He bought an 88 T-bird in July, sold it in August.

Sophomore John, uninjured when hit by a car while biking at UM, is maintaining a 3.5 gpa scholarship with a 3.9 gpa and working in food services in U of M South Quad, where Jen, his girlfriend, is resident. This year John is in a house with a room of his own on State street across from Yost. This summer he moved boxes on the FedEx midnight-to-dawn shift, as well as working fulltime + OT at landscaping before quitting both to take over Paul's data entry job in Office of the General Counsel at DaimlerChrysler, as Paul was promoted in his summer job there to paralegal/data entry supervisor. All 3 boys went to Illinois to help Aunt Donna move in June. John has Rose Bowl tickets for him and his brothers to see U of M play on January 1st, in the Year of our Lord 2004. He and his brothers plan to drive out to sunny Southern California - as mom Sandy and Uncle John did in 1969.

. Joy, a Junior at Lutheran HS Westland, was inducted into the National Honor Society and lettered in track (last year she lettered in cross country). She now gets the most mail -- from colleges that want to be part of her bright future. She was Peep Bo in Mikado musical, and soloed twice at church. She tented in a popup trailer with Carole and aunt Donna at Lifefest in Oshkosh. Joy made a website too. [John considers his website on the world wide web a private thing!]

Ron's 60 and thinking of retiring from Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept in January, 2005. DWSD water flow mostly stopped August 14 when the nation's largest ever power grid failure left us without power for over a day.

Ron's sis Karen and her husband Joe got a new John Deere tractor to farm the grass they grow around the Farmhouse and the Bighouse on their Hubbard Lake fun farm.

Sandy's Bro John went to Yellowstone; Sandy's niece Carole worked the summer at her town's dairy's concession stand.

Ron's retired Bro Bill moved to a Traverse City Old Mission Peninsula house overlooking the west Bay and including Japanese gardens with fish pond with fountain and artificial stream, 2 fireplaces, elevated deck, and huge garage. His Troy house is for sale:# Ron helped him move and get the house ready for Karen's 59th birthday observation. Bill received his Godmother's [taunta Anna] house in Alpena which he sold in December to divide among kin per her direction. On October 4, Anna Miller at 93 went to her heavenly reward. (For 2 months there Bill was in the house-a-month club!). Ron is holding open houses on Bill's Troy house. Ron's cousin Ed Shooltz (73, 4/23) and Ed's son Kevin (43, 10/4) also departed this veil of tears in 2003.

      May the year of our Lord 2004 hold special blessings for you and yours -- and remember Jesus is coming again -- perhaps in 2004 !

Sincerely, Ron, Sandy, Paul, Mark, John, and Joy Schultz

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