Schultz Family Christmas Letter 2001

Written by Ron Schultz

Ron and Sandy Schultz Christmas Letter 2001


As we view the changes since last Christmas - Clinton replaced by Bush, economic downturn, California energy crisis, terrorist attack on WTC and Pentagon, a war in Afghanistan, bio-terrorist attack on media and US Government, 10/19 burning of the Mustache Hunting Club newcamp, and the last of our 4 kids in high school - it's reassuring to have the changeless gospel of salvation in that Savior born 2000 Christmases ago, the Prince of Peace, and the assurance that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. And that He is coming again to take His own to ever reign with Him in the air.

Joy is growing up so fast in her dad's eyes!  She - like Paul and John - now has contacts.  Won school spelling bee 1/17, in two plays HMS Pinafore 5/11 & Pride and Prejudice11/11, 5/01 honored in Lansing for placing in top 200 on pre-high school ACT, made her Profession of Faith 4/28, was All A's valedictorian 6/7, competed 4/6 in state geoB for which her pix was in Michigan Lutheran; Finished 2 yrs of televised Bible Quiz competition as team captain without ever missing a question!  Went to the Institute in Basic Life Principles; also the Illinois Summer Youth Music - Senior Choir Camp with cousin Carole (from what I understand, it was a great place to fellowship with boys).  She is continuing voice lessons-sang in a trio with Mark and Mom at Guardian, learned to skip school to go to UP with her Mom.  Went to a football game (that used to be the F-word to her), the Lutheran High School - Westland (LHWL) homecoming.

High school senior John sports a National QuizBowl champion ring, had pix in Freep as one of Catholic Central (CC) High School's National Merit Semi-Finalists, was inducted into National Honor Society.  He was in top 100 in Michigan Math Prize Competition, got 1570 on SAT, traveled the most - including an exciting 2/15 flight with a terrorist to California via Minnesota and to Boston where he spent a night at Harvard; as part of state champion Quiz Bowl team had his picture taken with Kevin Olmstead - a Regis millionaire, restored back side of garage, taught Sunday School, edits the CC online newspaper that bro Paul started as well as GLC youth website.

While John biked miles to friends' houses, high school senior Mark biked as far to movies; they sold the dog house they built in construction tech class.  They both finished the class with an A.  
Mark received a letter of commendation from the National Merit people.  He continues to work at Hollywood Video, went 6/01 to Colorado Springs Summit Ministry seminar, where freetime included whitewater rafting and horseback riding.  He is in choirs at GLC and CC, served as poll worker for November Detroit election (now worked 3 elections), and went to Boston for Thanksgiving to check out Boston College and Harvard.

Paul attended the Bush inauguration and participated in the Washington (DC) March for Life.  PCS with a year of Harvard under his belt came home with sophomore standing for summer, circulated petitions to run for mayor but dropped out of race before getting on ballot, sold knives, worked in Ave Maria School of Law library, flew to DC in July to learn how to run his presidential campaign, passed a ham radio test to be kc8rxt (Ron is now kc8rxs), put 10 yrs of these Christmas letters online and wrote his own, visited Fort Wayne Seminary before visiting aunts.  Returning to Havard as Ave Maria rep, he is working at Crimson school paper and Harvard library, became leader in Lutheran youth fellowship Harvard Bible study, vp and webmaster of Harvard Right to Life, then also President and webmaster of Harvard Wireless Club (required to make a radio QSO before assuming the office); since talked to south pole. Classes include Manderin, org chem and econ.  He helped start quizbowl at LHWL - making work for his mom.

Sandy went from champion Bible Quiz coach at Guardian Lutheran to 'don't know what she's doing' Quiz Bowl coach at Lutheran Westland.  Sandy has been a caregiver for infants at MOPS for 9 years now, but she and Ron had a real taste of kid watching this summer.  Fifteen-month old Rachel Urso stayed with us while parents, Tony and Chris, and our Mark and John attended the huge triennial Lutheran Youth Gathering in New Orleans.  One forgets how much you have to watch those little ones and how tiring it is, but we really did enjoy our week with her.  Sandy made two trips to southern Illinois and a delightful fall color trip with Joy meeting Judy, Donna, and Carole in Marquette.  SLS drove to Marquette from Westland in just over 8 hours and felt like she was a 22-year old once again.  Thanksgiving found her cooking for only 11.

Ron at DWSD now supervises 4 and administers contract for 8 more, went to Westfalia, Germany for Fastnacht and Centrifuge test, considers his travels complete, in Crystal classes, won $100 for money saving suggestion - dial 5 not 8 digits -- had an MRI for swollen head after Joy had 6 A+ and 2 A's on 1st high school report card! Raised beans and heritage tomatoes and a few cucumbers.  Ron became an organ donor 3/11 when he gave the dust catching Baldwin organ to [a neighbor of] Jim Meissner (who he had gone to Venezuela with).  7/12 Mayor Archer put his arm around Ron, congratulating him upon graduation from Culture Change class.  He was part of negotiating team for New $33 million Haggerty water Pumping Station to be built near 14 mile and Haggerty.  In January his 1995 DWSD Neon car was replaced with a 2001 Cavalier; he still misses it.

Brother Bill retired 5/1 via career transition leave, drove PCS back to Boston in his new Yukon and saw East Coast.  He has redone his house since leaving GM, got a 6-pt buck opening day.

Sister Karen and husband Joe got new carpet but then moved their residence to their farm, bought a new truck, wrote own Christmas letter, plan to sell Warren house to son whose fledging business, Mike's Construction, is hanging on thru economic downturn.  Bro Jimmy plans to move in with him after his house sells.

Niece Christine married Jim Gold in June and they modified her house, making the living room bigger.

Nephew Joe's wife Leslee, in totaled show Camero struck by out of control hotrodder escaped with barely a scratch.

Mom Vandermark remains on the old homestead with Judy.  Life is different without Dad, but she's making it day by day.

Yes, indeed that was brother, John Vandermark on "Who wants to be a Millionaire", but his finger was not fast enough.  He's trying to get on again.  In April, he contracted to an insurance co. in beautiful downtown Traverse City; his office overlooks the bay.  All his siblings and Mom visited with him over Memorial Day to celebrate his big 50.  In October, for the first time in over twenty years, John visited the Upper Peninsula.  He indeed joined the sisters for their color trip and, would you believe he brought snow.  But the sisters had a lot of fun anyway showing him what they love about Marquette.

Donna hosted all the siblings in January for Mom's birthday.  Traveled to Branson, MO, the Traverse City area, and Marquette.  Her computer died in September and she's been offline since.  She, Bob and Carole made the round of festivals, auctions and craft shows, often in the motor home away from home.

On the way to Donna's, Cindy took Sandy through Amish country in northern Indiana; they had a good meal and bought a few crafty type things.  True green, Cindy has been visiting Big Ten campuses when they play MSU in football.  Got to Happy Valley, Purdue and Minnesota this year.  Only has Iowa to go.

Sandy's sister Judy went from a little Dodge to a big Ford Explorer; she loves it.  Finally city water has come to the old Vandermark homestead; no more of that nasty oily well stuff.  Now online at, she's been enjoying staying in touch with friends.  She had been contemplating a move from the old homestead but recent changes in the economy make it seem like a good time to stay put.

Sadly we Vandermarks lost three family members.  Uncle Matt Liponoga, cousin Bill Vandermark and cousin-in-law Lynn Zurek all went to be with the Lord this year.  Though now in a much better place, they were all way too young to be gone from us.  If you pray, remember their families left behind.

May the many promises of our Lord Jesus be yours in 2002 A.D.

And Lord Jesus, come quickly, Amen.

Ron, Sandy, Paul, Mark, John, and Joy

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