Schultz Family Christmas Letter 1998

Written by Ron Schultz

C H R I S T M A S    1 9 9 8

The angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day... a Saviour... Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11

Friends, here's good news! Because God loves you He sent his Son Jesus, the Christ, to be your Saviour from sin and the power of the evil one. In the Bible you can learn about His birth -- celebrated as Christmas -- (Matthew 1, Luke 1 & 2, John 1, 1John 1) his life in the flesh (Matthew - John) His death for your sin (John 19, Hebrews 9) and his resurrection (Mat 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20, 1Cor 15) and His ascension (Luke 24, Acts 1).

Because of God's great gift of his Son, many who believe in Him in joy and gratitude give to others (particularly poorer folk), remembering the words of Jesus "When you do it unto the least of these my brothers, you do it unto me".

But sometimes we feel obligated to give a present; when we do, we're caught in the Santa (Satan?) lie. Rather we should each show our gratitude to God in ways that are the natural overflowing of each thankful heart - and in ways that give to true needs of people: Our hearts might overflow with words, hugs, enthusiasm, kisses, song, the work of our hands, including cooking, crafts, artwork, poetry, money; others might need -- particularly at Christmastime -- consolation, affection, appreciation, money.

But can a gift be given without it being received? When a gift is given to one needing it, it's foolish to refuse it. And so it is with God's Christmas gift: We all need it because we all sinned! We hope you have rceived God's gift.

It's been an interesting year, starting with a warm winter in Detroit courtesy of El Nino (while powerlines were out for weeks in eastern N. America). Thru 1998 it's been the nicest weather Ron can remember in Detroit: Tomatoes not froze off yet when we picked last of green tomatoes 11/21! One Tomato plant was 10'8" high! The front lawn mostly grown back from bare spots football made in 97. (Now boys work out in the living room: the carpet is more like astroturf!)

During the year in which Red Wings won again, Hudson's was blown down, an Asian money crisis impacted U.S., and Whitewater investigation turned into impeachment hearings, Sandy's Dad and Mom celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary near Detroit and Dad's 80th birthday in Lawrenceville -- where the front porch was replaced (the old one had bad memories of Dad's fall).

Last winter all of our children but Paul (PC) were in basketball. The boys made money shoveling snow for neighbors, PC paying for raffle tickets rather than selling them. PC's science fair project was on effects of light interval on plant growth; Joy's was on chromotography improvement via temperature.

1998 saw Mark & John join PC at CC (Catholic Central), John like Paul with a scholarship. Mark graduated from Guardian Lutheran School (GLS) and confirmed his faith at GLC, where school and church additions are finally complete. Mark is heavily into books on tape. He wore a hole in the heavy punching bag Ron bought him half a life ago. And he's into wrestling at CC. Mark is becoming a seasoned bus and plane traveler, visiting grandparents in Lawrenceville, Illinois. Paul got his driver's license.

John graduated from Dearborn Christian in June (8th grade) His ACT score 30 was higher than score of principal's daughter in high school; friends suggested he start college rather than go to high school; he thought otherwise, "Cause," he said, "when I graduated from college I'd be too young to drive!" but he did start at Henry Ford Community College in the summer, where he studied construction surveying, along with his bro Paul, who previously also attended U of M football school this summer! CC won at football (Class AA state champs back2back; Paul got a letter); Schultz boys even played: John played the most - in the marching band at the games. and thanks to M & M succors (many sold by Mark), John is going to France and the Vatican this Christmas.

Despite the boys enthuiasm (or perhaps because of it), to Joy, "football" is the F-word; it shouldn't be said in the presence of women or children. Ron views it as another one of the world's great religions (but not his). Joy finished second in GLS Geography Bee in January; hopes to do better next year.

Sandy went to heaven -- oh, the U.P.-- again! with Joy and beneficent Mother and sisters (a family rite); up in an '84 Buick; back in a rentacar (900 miles in a day). Sandy retired from LFL-MI Board on the 25th anniverary of Supreme Court's biggest error. Still active in C4 (Concerned Citizens) at GLC, Sandy joined its choir after Ron gave permission (Mark did too); she also did water aerobics with sis Cindy who also had a knee operation; Cindy works for Royal Oak.

San's '89 Grand Caravan is getting old (so old Chrysler couldn't get parts for weeks!) but a newer one did not decend from heaven. Ron got her a cell phone to call him when it breaks down. (Gave station wagon to charity, Charity motors)

Ron's job took him to 100 degree Dallas for water (AWWA) conference in June. Ron brought home 5 deer from 2 hunts with bro Bill one weekend in October. and spent a week skinning and cutting them up. 161 lb of venison filled our little freezer. (Sandy said "I said you could go hunting; I didn't say you could bring back [uncut] deer!"] Thanksgiving we had turkey, venison and popcorn -- like original American Thanksgiving! Ron authored two articles for DWSD's employee newsletter Waterpower & contributed a third and, along with son Paul, a letter to Detroit Free Press published 11/23.

Uncle Bill, still at GM Truck Group, now has a red Tahoe Truck. Sis Karen, unemployed, is studying computers; aunt Bertha is getting cataract surgery; Cousin Mildred's daughter Sandy married Tim Awiszus December 5. On Sandy's side of family, Don Sunderman passed 8/21, Gerrit Vandenberg 11/28.

As we look forward to the coming again of Jesus, may "the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost" Romans 15:13

Ron, Sandy, Paul, Mark, John, and Joy

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