Schultz Family Christmas Letter 1997

Written by Ron Schultz

Christmas 1997


Awesome! Awesome is the message of Christ's nativity that some celebrate at Christmas (do you?): That God was in Christ -- come to earth as a baby born of Mary -- reconciling the world unto Himself, not counting their sins against them. 2 Cor. 5:19 Let us thank God for His unspeakable gift!

Awesome! was Yellowstone, Devil's Tower, the badlands of S.D. and of N.D., Wind Cave and Grand Tetons, the children's report cards, Ron's job travels.

After days of looking at Yellowstone Park we pondered why God would make such a place: a sense of grandeur mixed with a sense of humor!: Hot pots on the edge of a cold mountain lake on the Continental Divide; snow only feet from steam holes; countless waterfalls (we tried until we had counted 100) ditto for steaming holes; awesome view after awesome view of mountain rock, heights, falling streams, clear air, blue skies, open space, in the fire-ravaged park; frequent wildlife, much temporary and permanent road repairs prompted by recent rains, mud slides, washouts; but alas, US-16 at the East gate had not the beauty Ron saw there in 1966 (the flying buttress tunnels removed) but still awesome. We saw bison(100+), antelope, bighorn sheep, elk, bear, ravens and license plates from all states but RI. Bison are funny animals (Joy set her mother straight "Bison, not buffalo") They probably think us funny too -- have 4 legs but only walk on two.

The awe-full June trip inspired us in different ways: Ron was inspired as he learned how the Grand Tetons were named. Sons PMJ to plan their castles and where their heads should be on Mt. Rushmore after seeing it and Crazy Horse. 12-year-old John inspired to write a sermon "Our Awesome God!". Sandy inspired that she'd NEED to come again.

Tho she had seen much of the western United States, this was Sandy's first trip to Yellowstone. And she is determined to get back. She found it frustrating to know that geysers will go off, but you don't have enough time to sit and wait to see each of the over 200 there (we only saw 30 or so spout including Old Faithful six times). As we pondered "Old Faithful", we considered how could an inanimate thing be called "faithful"?; -that rather the "faithful" applied to its Creator. We had planned to see all of Yellowstone in a week but did not even cover all the paved roads!

This family highlight of the year had been put off while our children seemed too young to make the trip or remember it; it almost seems as if now they are too "summer busy" for long trips. After the vacation trip Ron decided he should sell the house and buy a smaller one with a pool: he learned his kids didn't need a bed to sleep in if the motel had a swimming pool! Edgar Guest poetized about "appreciate the things you left behind": for Ron that was DWSD water (and Sandy editted what it was for others).

Ron also traveled twice (February, May) to Tokyo for witnessing DWSD water pump testing at the Ebara Corporation. He ordered 35 computers and a server for the maintenance division he's in at DWSD, and life has been busier there too.

Ron bought two more recliners so that one might be available for him to sit on. With some help from boys, he painted, glazed, tuckpointed, roofed, plastered, layed concrete, wired, put up downspouts, paneling, and more outside lights.

Ron tried and gave up on a hearing aid 'until he really needs one'.


Coach Sandy's Guardian Bible Quiz team again won first place last spring. This year's team is off to a much slower start. Son John's Dearborn Christian team beat them in the year's first competition. John memorized Romans 8 word perfect and Joy, Romans 6 (and almost all of Romans 5).

PC was honored at the Silverdome for JV football at Catholic Central and being top academically in Freshman class. He finished reading thru the Bible 4/10 the first time without recorded tapes after 2 times with. M & J played soccer and basketball. Joy played basketball too! You might ask Mark about his cool swim in Beartooth Lake near timberline. Joy is still studying piano.

Mark [like Joy] has a room of his own now (the TV moving to the basement to make room)-- so he can compete with Joy for the neatest room in the house -- but month after month NO room claims the prize! In the ten years in this house "the TV" was first on the third floor, then the second, and now basement: Ron thinks he should dig a hole in the basement for its next move -- he says "In DWSD we put sewer pipes underground".

John (like PC) has a pentium PC now. -should get it paid off next Christmas. He's playing his sax again.

Joy, now in 5th grade & doing well, started studying chromatography (color drawing via chemistry) and loves it. She has made one impressive, colorful "picture". She makes Jacob ladders too; well that's what she calls expanded paper cut creations which hang delicately from the ceilings here. Her dollhouse is getting crowded! Since Joy is SO imaginative, she has added a storage room, playtoys for baby dolls, and other things. She is also collecting seeds (See if you can send her any!) December 19th Joy finished second in Guardian's Geography Bee.

All six of us sang "Heart to Change the World" at Dearborn Christian School's "talent" night. All kids were bookworms this summer -- even enroute to Yellowstone.

492 beggers graced our door Halloween, the number still dwindling from peak of 652 two years ago. Our house was in line with the July 3 tornado that touched down 2.5 miles east; it was awesome how many trees were ripped up in the 10 mile long 200' wide swath. Also damaged was the tree across the street from our house!

Some say Christ's coming again in the clouds with His angels will be more awesome than when He came in flesh; but most awesome for each of us is when He comes to live in us! Our prayer is that you and yours be able to look back on that event in the new year!

Ron, Sandy, Paul, Mark, John, & Joy Schultz

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