Schultz Family Christmas Letter 1992

Written by Ron Schultz


Luke 2:10

Greetings in the name of the savior King born a babe in Bethlehem. What good the Father hath lavished on us. To think that God would send his Son to take on human flesh as a fetus; to enter the world as a fetus (which some today regard as less than human!) and then be born a baby. And that by faith in this Jesus you and I can live here and above with God. Glory be to God our Lord this year end and thruout 1993 AD!

With no new births, the family shrunk in '92 with death 12/6/92 of Ron's cousin Ed Zielaskowski.

We celebrated Christmas in July with Dr. Paul Maier, author of In the Fullness Of Time at Camp Arcadia (RKD). This book points out that we really don't even know what season of the year Christ was born. After an 8-yr hiatus, we vacationed at RKD with the 4 kids. Yes, we all 6 stayed in one room for a week; it wasn't too bad -- but Ron is still setting sand out of his sneakers.

The cool weather at RKD was much warmer than the 9 degrees at Jellystone Park Ontario June 20 when we 6 tent-camped with 7 hearthy other families from church -- our 1st family tenting experience (and so far our last).

Ron's in Maintenance now and enjoying it more than engineering at Detroit's Water Dept; he's doing what he does best, criticizing & asking questions! He re-views designs from a maintenance standpoint. He passed F3 & S3 water tests in '92.

Ron and boys started to fix the fireplace and claim the job is 47% done! This job started as a misunderstanding: Ron's not understanding that when Sandy said "You should fix the fireplace" she meant "You should hire it done"- and Sandy's of how much that would cost!

All Sandy's men saw her introduce Lutheran Hour Speaker Dr. Dale Meyer, at the Lutherans for Life state rally. Sandy soloed for Albert-Havrilla wedding May 30. With Joy in kindergarten, Sandy is even busier with Guardian school; Sandy and some other pre-teen mothers have a little unofficial group Mothers Of Pre-teen Extra-curricularites; they mope to each other about how rough they have it!

Ron thinks that boys should tie laces on their $80 shoes, altho at that price they ought to tie themselves! After further homeschool classwork in hand dishwashing, boys helped Ron install new dishwasher. The boys, like the Biblical farmer, tore down their playhouse to build larger but so far the basement of the new one is yet unfinished! As Ron drilled the boys in catechism, they started to chant it: while it was unprecedented, it seemed very Lutheran! -- and they're learning it! (ask these hams to perform.)

John, while in 1st grade, won the Grades 1-4 Spelling Bee, beating 100 others, even his older brothers; also chinning competitions wherever his Dad can create them. Mark, at 9, took on some lawncutting work and promptly subcontracted his brothers to work for him!

"Goo, goo, ga, ga, dada! Joy crawls on Daddy and he loves it! -- except at the dinner table. She sees him sitting on bed; she jumps on his back and says "I got horsey"; he says "I got cowgirl!" and off they go. Joy now has the third floor to herself and a canopy bed. Daddy photographed Joy with her 7' sunflower towering over her days before it broke under its own weight. This year Joy joined Mark at invention: Joy invented the thrown hug -- "I'll throw you a hug, Daddy (then she does!)" They're better than thrown kisses: they're from the heart! Joy is into alphabet art and, unlike her brothers, quite creative with lego blocks. This kindergartener must think she's a teen -- the way she argues with her mother over what she'll wear to kindergarten!

Only 2 bucks were shot at the Mustache this year! Brother Bill got the first one opening morning, so when season was over he was still top gun. Bro Bill sure has been a blessing -- particularly when he has all 4 kids over for a weekend a month -- to teach them the catechism.(?!?)

Sandy's Bro John G. spent the summer selling film in a camera shop in Yellowstone while her sis Cindy chased the Phantom of the Opera around the continent. Her sis Donna found a new house to rent in '92. Judy's taking classes at Northwestern University.

Mom & Dad sure must miss their kids. Every time they turn around they get a new cat. The latest editions are Maize and Blue. Dad still keeps after Marathon to drill more wells on their property.

Sandy made Turkey-crum cookies for Joy's 5th birthday; redid some other treat cooking jobs too due to catastrophy. Such is the joys of the gradeschool mom!

1992 was the year for "a place for everything; everything in its place": in this respect, 1992 was a failure!

March 7th, grand matriarch Grandma Helen Liponoga died at 90, survived by over 100 blood descendents (!) including Sandy and PMJJ. At the funeral we saw her worn out rosary and prayerbook: who do you think she prayed for? And who will take her place before God's altar?

Sandy's Goddaughter Lisa had 1st child, Kenny, and Lisa's sister Sharon had daughter.

Sandy took the kids to Ann Arbor in early November and gave them a 5 cent tour of the Michigan campus. (Actually the tour was Sandy driving around looking for parking!) Destination was the Museum of Natural History, where a new head was being put on the Allosaurus skeleton.

Ron's sis Karen and 3 kids got to Holland for the 10th time; Chris drove when flying weather was not VFR. Karen's boy Joe didn't go: he was completing his apprenticeship (w/ an A- average!) at Macomb Comm. College and is now a full tool & die man. Big Joe got a treadmill so he can walk miles w/o leaving home!

Space would fail me to tell of the January coouples retreat (bless Bill!), Easter in S. Illinois, Kauer kin reunion, 1st Liponoga reunion, Mark's wrestling, Paul's soccer and trip to Mill Lake, Boating at RKD, diehard canoer Sandy!, and what all else that makes it impossible to fit this annual letter on one page!

Ron can't see why Sandy thinks she doesn't get around much -- when she put 23,000 miles on the car in 92. With 130,000 miles on the 83' Olds Cruiser, we're looking for an 89' wagon (van?) with 50K miles at 5KB or less.

As we await Christ's promised second coming, may you and yours have a very blessed Christmas and 1993 in Christ's love! Sincerely,

Ron, Sandy, Paul, Mark, John, and Joy

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