Schultz Family Christmas Letter 1991

Written by Ron Schultz


Christmass 1991


John the Baptist while still in his mother's womb jumped for joy at the coming of Jesus! (Lk 1:44) May the news of His coming give you joy again this Christmas time.

The mass of Christ: in the mass Jesus Christ is received with the elements; You really haven't participated in the mass if you haven't received Christ; likewise, you haven't really participated in Christmas if you haven't received Christ, the central person of Christmas, and the greatest of all Christmas gifts!. Be sure that YOU receive Christ this Christmas.

This is Ron's Mom's first Christmas in heaven: 4 weeks after she hosted 17 for Easter, and a short time after her friends at Faith Lutheran Church celebrated (early) her 80th birthday, she died 4/20 -- the doctors said "of cancer". Thanks again to the many of you who prayed for us and showed you cared.

Highpoints of '91 include

Sandy's friends, the Ulicneys, giving us their T-bar swing set -- Ron moving it cement and all; John at 6 doing 12 chins thereon.

Marking 10 years of wedded busyness 6/13.

Celebrating Dad V's 73rd birthday with the help of Vandermark twins and their wives.

And While Epiphany celebrated 75 yrs, the R. Schultz family moved to Guardian Lutheran Church and (elementary) school after a successful home school experience (and not before Ron had went with Boys thru entire Bible). Paul's in 4th Grade; Mark's in 2nd; John's in 1st; Joy's in "all of the above" as Mommy takes her along on school field trips!

Bro Bill decided he would rather have a Buick before moving to new office in G.M. Tech Center. Now he has 3 answering machines I can call!

Sandy's cousin Bob's daughter Sally tied the knot with Matt Nowak 8/17/91 and Ron's cousin Eddie's son Duayne tied one with Kelly 8/31/91; Ron's cousin Charles' son Charlie tied one with Alisa Salamone 12/6/91, the same day Ron's uncle Edward Rakow died.

Bill and Ron heard Dr. Ozzie Hoffmann at Arcadia MI, and we 6 went to Lutherans For Life rally in Grand Rapids (where Sandy introduced Keynote Speaker Dr Garton) and the Mustache Hunting Club where PMJ and Ron blazed two trails in the woods and PMJ built a "log cabin".

Christmas saw a 2nd computer in Warwick household a used Tandy TX1000 w/ color monitor; Ron built a computer hutch for 1st one and a bookshelf for Joy, 4, who is acquiring experience as assistant librarian at Guardian.

This Halloween at 16518 Warwick there was only one angel in 493 callers; all were given candy, Gospel and pro-life literature (Maybe there'll be more angels next year!).

Sandy's traveling more now but enjoying it less: Sandy's sisters went to Marquette and Toronto, but Sandy traveled more miles going back and forth to school (200 miles + per week). Since she spends so much time in it, she decorated the car with garland and lights -- if I understand right -- to celebrate her Lord's birth.

Bro Bill's been working harder fulfilling his and Mom's former roles (cooking for the family, babysitting his God children). He also got a buck for him and one for us! With his recent purchase of a Super Nintendo, his rating with the kids shot way up!

Niece Christine's been flying high in a Cessna; she soloed 11/12/91.

As we await Christ's promised second coming, may God fill your new year with all peace in believing and may the year of our Lord 1992 be for you and yours a blessing as you bless others.

Sincerely,                                                                                  , and Joy

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