Paul Schultz - 20 DeWolfe 23

Things to See My Student Groups

    Things I Read for Crimson Opeds
First Things   Chronicle of Higher Education   The Atlantic Monthly   BBC   Christian Science Monitor

Things I read for me
My Classes (~= 7 courses at a state school)
  • Ec 1123 - Applied Econometrics
  • Ec 1813 - The Indebted Society
  • Psych 15 - Social Psychology
  • Gov 1730 - War and Politics

  • A class I would have liked to take -
    MS 105 - Books Before 1600 (link dead)
   Books read this term: Sayers's Gaudy Night, Lawhead's Pendragon and Grail, Chesterton's Orthodoxy

Books I'm reading or hope to read: Till We Have Faces, The Father Brown Omnibus, Book of Concord, Paradise Lost, Confessions, Development of Christian Doctrine, Joy of Cooking, Utopia, The Quran